We are excited to announce that we have received a $1.2 million seed investment from one of the biggest pet food producers in Europe to complete our mission. This is an essential milestone in our development, and we are so thrilled about the opportunities this investment unlocks.
Vafo Holding is a producer of super premium dry pet food and pet snacks from the Czech Republic, whose brands Carnilove, Brit Care, Brit Premium, Brit Animals, Let‘s Bite, and many other private brands, are sold in 66 countries worldwide. We are happy to be part of this family-owned business that annually produces over 90,000 tons of pet food.
Actijoy is a sophisticated system consisting of a health & activity tracker, smart food & water bowls and iOS & Android apps. Actijoy monitors all important data (activity, rest, food & water intakes) of our four-legged friends and detects any negative changes in their behavior to prevent health problems and bad habits at an early stage. Simply put, Actijoy helps to keep our pets fitter, healthier and, of course, happier.
Together we can help all dogs to live healthier lives thanks to proper nutrition and physical activity, both of which are important parts of a healthy lifestyle, not only for humans, but for pets too. Thanks to this partnership we can work even harder at bringing Actijoy to life in the coming months. The whole Buddy pack, consisting of the health & activity tracker and set of smart WiFi bowls for food and water, should be available on the market in April 2018.